Celdrick and the Stone

Vince Smith Releases His First Fantasy Novel, Celdrick and the Stone

Vince Smith, aka MotownVinnie has finally achieved something he’s wanted to do since he started reading Tolkien when he was eleven and playing Dungeons and Dragons when he was 14. He has completed and published his first fantasy novel.

The book is entitled, “Celdrick and the Stone” and it is an epic tale of swords and sorcery in a world where magic is restrained. Swords are for warriors and magic is for tricksters and jesters. Legend has it that seven ancient wizards decided centuries ago that the powers of magic were too dangerous to be left unchecked, which led them to creating the seven dampening stones. Each holds a circle of magic down to only a fraction of it’s true potency, leaving it’s practitioners to be held up to ridicule for their weak spells and abilities.

Celdrick is one such wizard. Little does he know he holds the key to changing all of that in his very hands.

You can order a copy in ebook or paperback on Amazon right now.